
67 Members commented on Amaya's gallery

Biscuit 20102 years ago

Amaya got amazing beautiful kissable pussy and love the viewing of it wow

SeaDawg3 years ago

This photo set started out fairly lame (model actually looked bored in the first few photos; frames 1-23 are all the same, except for facial expressions; frames 33-42 and 44-49 are all repetitive of each other). It seems that the mindset of the photographer was, "I am required to post over 100 photos, so I'll just take a bunch of pictures, many of which will be wasted." But at least this photo set was much better toward the end and was very artistic in places.

Lenticular3 years ago

I just love the photo's of her sitting by the window.

Bernadette3 years ago

Super photography.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

thank you Bernadette, it's nice to read comment by women here:)

baldimus3 years ago

thats a nice set and its good as it is, and its a beautiful girl, thanks Robert, nothing to complain

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

thank to you Baldimus:)

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Now you can see in the upcoming sets... A strange cover with fire...
Hmmm... Aren't you curious to know how is it possible on Metart?:)
Monday is the day!

Metfan20193 years ago

And how is it possible on MetArt?. Please tell us a story :)

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

on monday:)

Roosterr3 years ago

Definitely great work by Rob who captured some amazing shot with gorgeous Amaya ?………….. she has a very sexy smile & totally gorgeous body ?

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

I agree with you:)

Chris133 years agoLifetime Member

Super-cute, very adorable & ravishingly pretty model; AMAYA confirms the great impression she has made with her 1st set! She also has a terrific physique!
Such a nice set, I hope we see this gorgeous hottie in a video someday soon as well!
Thank you!

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Chris... This will happen! We just wait it will be scheduled for publication:)

HappyVoyeur3 years ago

Great job. Beautiful, body fabulous woman. Great photography.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thank you:)

a_k_a_3 years ago

The combo of bald with that tat: all I can say is she needs her bush (furrycat offering sound advice :-)

Oregon3 years ago


a_k_a_3 years ago

Agree! :-)

baldimus3 years ago

the answer is ...no way

James Bell3 years ago

A very nice follow up set from Amaya. While I'm not a fan a fan of tatoos on women, I find it is fairly easy to ignore hers and just enjoy her beauty. The highlight of the set for me is the opening and closing pics. The amazing lighting really does make one think of a daydream. Brilliant choices by Amaya and Robert.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thnx James, this is exactly what I mean. People who focus on what they don't like, they simply can't enjoy life:)

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

I have a question for you guys, would you like a full set like the first part of this one? I mean about romantic light:)

James Bell3 years ago

I think I'd like to see that, yes.

Finlay B3 years ago

Definitely really enjoyed the start. Its what I thought MetArt was about!

jefffrane3 years ago

I'm a big fan of "romantic" lighting but I'm not a fan of the dappling shadows on Amaya's face. I found it very distracting, like snapshots under trees in bright light. Shadows that emphasize the curve of a hip or breast are wonderful but this is more like a mask. If it had been on anywhere but her face it might have worked for me, I'm not sure.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Jeff, sure I don't plan a full set with dapping shadows on face, I meant with light/shadows and maybe black and white too:)

Easymoney213 years ago

@ Robert Graham... nice set, different, which is always good but, too many photos (1-23) with the shadows on her pretty face. I think you should have also check to see what she would looked like with the curtain pulled aside and the sun shining on her, no shadows. Just an idea. Anyway, keep up the good work. I like the approach you've taken with your style of photography since you started contributing to MA. Oh yea, thanks for the belly button photos. If you ever see Amaya again tell her that not only is she sweet but so is her belly... Croatia, 1/2 my ancestors from there.

jefffrane3 years ago

In that case, my answer is definitely YES. I think I've commented on your approach positively before and some of my favorite photographers here, like Natasha Schon and Pasha, rely on it heavily. I love the mix of shadowy and shoots with lots of light. I'm also very impressed with your eye for models and your ability to bring them into erotic modeling.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thnx Jeff I will keep on bringing new things to Metart as it's my style.
Don't miss what will happen in few days here;)

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thnx easymoney I will keep your note for the next shootings

10 Quest3 years ago

Absolutely! would be a hit with us old schoolers who appreciate fine photography and are already well schooled in the feminine form and could do without the graphical displays

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

10quest... Deal!:)

Oregon3 years ago

I love sets that are shot in ambient light, rather than with a bank of floodlights and reflectors. I enjoy some of the dappled shadow effect, but not too much (opening was attractive, but too long... but glad we went back there at the end!) I have always found low angle shadows of parallel lines, as through barred window or a screen effective; the shadows across the model's curves are like contour lines that accentuate the beautiful shapes.

So yeah, go for it...

10 Quest3 years ago

Reminds me of days gone by here at Met. I love it! Shows a lot of thought and creativity that had to a great extent seemingly disappeared. Thanks Robert Graham and a very special thanks to your wonderful model Amaya!

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thank you, I am taking back to met some old style:)

KENOMAN3 years ago

Amaya's debut last month was presented by Luca Helios and now a fine follow up from Robert. Nice to have a lovely model from somewhat different perspectives. Amaya is lovely and talented well presented here by Robert. I look forward to following her MetArt career for years to come.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

You bet Kenoman! I am sure a bright future for her to come:)
Vote for her too:)

KENOMAN3 years ago

Thanks for your response Robert.

Checkers3 years ago

I ♥ those shots of Amaya posing on that bed. Especially #103. I love imagining what I could be doing to make her arch her back and tilt her head back like that. :)

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Ehy checkers! Missing you:)
Amaya will have lot of amazing sets coming soon. And lot of plans for next summer too:)

Checkers3 years ago

Thank you Robert, I look forward to seeing them. Summer sets make me happy. :)

Easymoney213 years ago

That was my favorite photo, 103. And I knew exactly what I was doing to her to make her get into that position. ;)

Easymoney213 years ago

Actually it's #102.

Checkers3 years ago

Argh, thanks for the correction Easymoney21, #102 is correct. Along those same lines, I love the view in #90 as well, BTW.

Metfan20193 years ago

Do these plans include shooting on the Adriatic coast maybe? Regards.

Kepler3 years ago

Tattoos ruin everything.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

If a little heart ruins the beauty of the model or the effort of the photographer, you should open your eyes and mind to enjoy life:)

a_k_a_3 years ago

Robert, he may have been referring to her other tats as well, apparently erased here.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Aka, you guys have to decide... 80% of girls have tattoos now, or you will never see these girls on Metart or you accept we retouch the tattoos.

a_k_a_3 years ago

Robert, I don't mind the tats as much as "always denuded" :-)

Oregon3 years ago

I like well trimmed but not a jungle. I also like fully shaved, or nearly so. There is something delightful about a nicely done 'landing strip'. Small, tasteful tats... okay. Well done, low density larger ones (I have a barista with a beautiful, lacy sleeve... looks like permanent lingerie... yum). Sunbursts around navels, for example... not so much.

To each their own, AKA, and only one commenter here has harped on the same topic for years, without traction with MET, and can't seem to find one positive thing to say about any model or photog when there isn't a full bush... and sometimes even when there is (!) ... To quote the thieves hung up with Brian in the Monty Python movie... "Look on the bright side of life...."

a_k_a_3 years ago

But I do -- you just can't discern it (sunny furrypussy :-)

a_k_a_3 years ago

Should add, I like to see what a girl naturally has. A reason I'm perpetually frustrated here. They don't by and large value natural or enhanced natural, as seen in my fave. It's like they know they can't measure up, so don't try, and go in a different direction.
Yet some do try, and I appreciate that.
I like shaved too, to compare with natural: do that all the time with my fave ☯︎

seve3 years ago

kind of a side note - most of the time on the upcoming tab - one can easily guess who the photographer will be - based on the thumbnail..

A Matiss set is always very evident from the thumbnail chosen,

- as I am a big fan of his - I can usually spot a Varin set there as well -

Catherine's work is very apparent - and I am sorry she has been gone so long after her much vaunted "return"

Schon as well - for better or worse, has a signature look to her work - as does Nudero with his opulent and fully detailed settings.

Koenart and Tora Ness sets are apparent to me - though I can never tell which is which, they always have similar styles I think -

In the case of Leo - (about 93) - Or DG (about 7,134) we can tell it is one of their outings by the number of photos posted

Graham though - not so easy to pin down - lots of different styles - that's why I am so interested..

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thnx seve, this is what I was looking for when I started to work for Metart:)

KENOMAN3 years ago

seve, you are much more perceptive than I. But I agree that Robert's work is always interesting to say the least.

generousbeauty3 years ago

Atmosphere, comfortable setting, and Amaya looking relaxed and very beautiful. A really tasteful, alluring collection. Thank you!

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Thank you for the nice comment:)

Naked Chris3 years ago

Brilliant, utterly stunning set of pictures, romantic, arty, fun and sexy. Just what I love ... Sure gonna enjoy Amaya today!

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

thank you Chris, i am happy you liked the mood, i hope you will enjoy Amaya in the future too... we (me and Luca Helios) prepared stunning contents with her:)

Rufusredneck3 years ago

The poor girl's been attacked by a black marker pen; very distracting!

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

when Amaya was getting ready for the last set, she told me she had a romantic mood, so she chose something very nice to wear and went to the window to catch the rays of the setting sun. "Let's shoot here" were her last words, so I did :)
Amaya is a super awesome girl, very emotional and warm hearted, I really hope she will have all the success she deserves.
I'm excited to read your comments and super excited for what is going to happen next week... stay tuned!

Metfan20193 years ago

This is absolutely stunning set Robert. The first part of set where we can witness this romantic mood is done with the high level of artistic sophistication, specially pics #14-16. Any hint what is going to happen next week? :) Regards.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

hi Metfan:) thank you for your words!
i guess you are curious as a monkey:) well... i just tell you it was the most challange of my photographer life

seve3 years ago

"Any hint what is going to happen next week?"

that is the key of what is becoming the stellar career of Mr. Graham - always something unexpected! Glad to see BOTH Amaya, and Robert - return today.

Robert Graham3 years agoVerified Photographer

Seve...you make me blush to think of my stellar career:) but why not to dream about it?:)


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